The Game of Life
If you are aware, the game is always giving you small clues to get to the next level, else the same patterns keep on emerging
All I want you to understand and put thought to is, we can experience life without developing any drama or new karma from it.
What do we have to do? See what is happening, what it is making you feel and then accepting it. As Florence Scovel Shin says, “The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy”
You have to reach a level of response and not reaction. Reach a state where you listen and hear everything out, not just about others but mainly about yourself (this is the difficult bit). You listen to it, I would recommend that you do not even analyze it, and then just be. Don’t react, just accept because no amount of external validation can make up for self-love and only you know your truth.
You have to take your life as a game, what you have to do is understand the difference between self and I. I has the controller of self, in my case I (some people call it higher consciousness, altered state) has the controller of Veer (self, me). The beauty about this game is that instead of you always looking for experiences, this game throws out experiences and exposures at you. Your role is that you press and push the buttons that keep you the calmest. Here you have to learn how to manoeuvre your thoughts and yourself instead of reacting or externalizing/blaming others.
What you have to do, knowing your truth is to make decisions based on your understanding. Take ideas from others but always formulate your own from there. It is great if someone tells you how to build a base, but I feel in this game because it is so short and you only get to live once. You, yourself build your base, failures and successes.
This game comes with weaknesses as attachment, jealousy, insecurity and resentment. There is a solution it, become emotionally self-sufficient and self-loving. Own your emotions, don’t let them own you